----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE USING THE STACKER CO-PROCESSOR CARD & STACKER 4.0 (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4508 (02-18-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND If your Stacker coprocessor was installed and working when you installed Stacker 4.0, you can set up Stacker to continue using it by following these instructions. The process is a bit different depending on whether you are using an operating system like MS-DOS 6 which preloads compression. Note Stac supplies the AT/16 LZS server file on the Stacker 4.0 distribution disks. If you are using either the XT/8 or the MC/16 coprocessor, you can obtain the appropriate server file from the Stac BBS or from Stac on Compuserve SOLUTION Procedures if you are using MS-DOS 6, PC-DOS 6.1, or Novell DOS 7. Procedures for other DOS versions. Procedures if you are using MS-DOS 6, PC-DOS 6.1, or Novell DOS 7. These DOS versions support preloading compression drivers. Note that PC-DOS 6.1 supports preloading only if its file dates are 9- 30-93 or later. To continue using your Stacker coprocessor after installing Stacker 4.0, you need to determine the base address for your AT/16 coprocessor, add a line to your CONFIG.SYS file and restart your computer. 1. Determine the base address for the card by viewing your STACKER.INI file. a. Change to your STACKER directory. b. Type ED and choose STACKER.INI from the File menu. c. Write down the number after the /B=. This is the base address for your coprocessor. The possible base addresses are: 200 220 240 260 280 2A0 2E0 You must use the same base address to ensure that your coprocessor continues to function. d. The /B switch has no effect in the STACKER.INI file. Move the cursor to this line and press Delete repeatedly to remove it. e. Choose Save from the File menu to save the file. 2. Now edit your CONFIG.SYS file. a. Choose CONFIG.SYS from ED's File menu. b. Type the following line immediately before the line that begins with "DEVICEHIGH." and ends with "STACHIGH.SYS": DEVICE = C:\STACKER\LZS_AT16.SYS /B=base address where base address is the number from the /B line. c. Choose Save from the File menu and then choose Exit. 3. Restart your computer to put the change into effect. Procedures for other DOS versions. To use your installed and previously working Stacker coprocessor with Stacker 4.0, run Stacker Setup as usual. Stacker will continue to use the coprocessor. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics